Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is a transformative paradigm that provides a range of computing services over the internet on a pay-as-you-go basis. This includes a variety of services such as servers, storage, databases, networking, and software, all delivered by cloud service providers. At its core, cloud computing enables businesses and individuals to leverage scalable and flexible resources without the need for significant upfront capital investments in physical infrastructure.

In the context of cloud storage, cloud computing encompasses the infrastructure and platforms necessary for storing and accessing data over the internet. Cloud storage services, such as those provided by Impossible Cloud, offer scalable and flexible storage solutions accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. Impossible Cloud, for example, provides enterprise-grade cloud storage with features like immutability, S3 API compatibility, and decentralized architecture, ensuring high performance and security.

These cloud computing terms highlight significant cost advantages, with Impossible Cloud offering up to 80% savings compared to traditional hyper-scalers, while maintaining top-tier security and compliance with standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO 27001. This makes cloud storage an integral part of a robust, scalable, and secure IT infrastructure strategy, supporting diverse applications from data backup and recovery to AI data storage and video surveillance.

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